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BRO price chart and market cap
What is My Bro (BRO)
A fair-launched meme coin on Avalanche C-Chain via a custom audited, automated and trustless contract, with no team allocation & no tax. Bro gathered ~13000 AVAX in a custom presale launch designed to hinder sniper bots from having any advantage, ensuring a fair distribution and open access without any whitelists or limits, so all could enter equally. Having launched at ~1M MCAP with ~1M in LP, this token is ready for whales of all sizes to enter safely
How can I exchange My Bro
It might be a good idea to exchange My Bro, especially when you can exchange the cryptocurrency using Droidex.
Our service checks the rates BRO on all supported DEX and implements further optimizations to get the best rate possible.
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