GAG Token


Get the best GAG Token exchange rate on Droidex and perform an instant swap. Compare the GAG exchange rates on different blockchains.

GAG price chart and market cap

1.0000 +0%(Past 3 days)
$ 0.01
24h % Price
7d % Price
Market Cap
$ 97,814.00
24h Volume
$ 110,469.00
Coin Supply
11,785,647.14 GAG

What is GAG Token (GAG)

GAG Token, integrated into the Adgager ecosystem, pioneers cryptocurrency in research, offering investors sustainable value and fostering a dynamic community where members earn tokens by contributing insights to brands' projects, envisioning this for the entire research sector. GAG Token is a cryptocurrency project integrated within the Adgager ecosystem, with a focus on the research sector. It serves as a valuable tool for investors, facilitating participation in Adgager's closed-loop system and providing sustainable value through its innovative tokenomics structure

The project aims to foster transparency and community engagement while offering various benefits to users who contribute to the Adgager ecosystem. Key Features: - GAG Token serves as a means of value transfer within the Adgager ecosystem, facilitating transactions between Gagers and businesses

How can I exchange GAG Token

It might be a good idea to exchange GAG Token, especially when you can exchange the cryptocurrency using Droidex.

Our service checks the rates GAG on all supported DEX and implements further optimizations to get the best rate possible.

  1. Go to

  2. Choose GAG Token(GAG) in the first section.

  3. Select the second token you want to receive.

  4. Enter the amount of your GAG Token(GAG) in the first section you wish to exchange.

  5. Connect your wallet — Metamask or WalletConnect.

  6. Exchange crypto with the best rate.

  7. Get your tokens in a few seconds, using Droidex.