Geodnet Token POLYGON GEOD
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What is Geodnet Token (GEOD)
What is the project about? The Global Earth Observation Decentralized Network (GEODNET) is a decentralized network of Space Weather mining stations that report the real-time influence of the Sun’s solar winds on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals. This data is commonly used to accurately correct GNSS (GPS and other navigation satellite) signals to provide centimeter level positioning accuracy and improve absolute time accuracy to nano-second level. What makes your project unique? GEODNET is a leading DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network) project with strong demand/user-side revenue growth and token burn
GEODNET serves numerous existing applications with a world-class network of >13,000 nodes supporting Automotive/Autonomous Navigation, Agriculture/Construction Vehicle Machine Control, Earthquake/Geohazard Monitoring, and traditional Land Survey. History of your project
How can I exchange Geodnet Token
It might be a good idea to exchange Geodnet Token, especially when you can exchange the cryptocurrency using Droidex.
Our service checks the rates GEOD on all supported DEX and implements further optimizations to get the best rate possible.
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