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What is MetYa (MET)
Metya - The largest and most influential dating platform #SocialFi 🚀 Metya leverages AI technology to introduce the innovative concept of DatingFi, providing users with a decentralized, secure, and private social dating experience. With our groundbreaking smart hardware, #MeAi, we support real-time translation in 138 languages globally. Through social interactions, users contribute computing power and network resources, creating a truly empowering social environment that fosters innovation in the Web3 ecosystem
✨User Scale and Engagement Metya has over 8.5 million users across the network, with a daily active user count exceeding 1 million, thanks to a wide range of Web2 user resources
How can I exchange MetYa
It might be a good idea to exchange MetYa, especially when you can exchange the cryptocurrency using Droidex.
Our service checks the rates MET on all supported DEX and implements further optimizations to get the best rate possible.
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