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What is SHILL Token (SHILL)
Project SEED is a AAA Game Studio building mobile focused blockchain gaming ecosystem that utilizes Multi Blockchain and integrates Governance, GameFi, and NFT. Working toward a mission of bringing blockchain to mass adoption, Project SEED focuses on making high quality mobile games that easily accessed and loved by both traditional gaming and crypto players. SHILL token is the GameFi Engine (Currency) of Project SEED Ecosystem with multiple use case ranging from gaming to blockchain related matters
Players use SHILL token in trading game assets on marketplace, renting items, voting, keeping the dungeon active, minting equipment. Also, players can receive SHILL in various in-game benefits such as random airdrop, P2P Quest board, and many more
How can I exchange SHILL Token
It might be a good idea to exchange SHILL Token, especially when you can exchange the cryptocurrency using Droidex.
Our service checks the rates SHILL on all supported DEX and implements further optimizations to get the best rate possible.
Go to
Choose SHILL Token(SHILL) in the first section.
Select the second token you want to receive.
Enter the amount of your SHILL Token(SHILL) in the first section you wish to exchange.
Connect your wallet — Metamask or WalletConnect.
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