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What is Velas (VLX)
"Velas AG, headquartered in Switzerland, is a new AI-operated dPoS (delegated proof of stake) blockchain project and an ecosystem on which one can build AI projects, dApps, smart contracts, etc. It is founded by the CEO of the world’s first and biggest altcoin payment processor platform from 2013 – – Alex Alexandrov
Coinpayments created a CPS coin to provide its active merchants and users of 3'000 000 000 a discount token for transactions and fees, and earn staking rewards vaulting their CPS coin. The development of Velas rooted from CPS, as the founders saw an opportunity to create an own proprietary AI enhanced Blockhain and consensus protocol, rather than using a third party solution which still has flaws
How can I exchange Velas
It might be a good idea to exchange Velas, especially when you can exchange the cryptocurrency using Droidex.
Our service checks the rates VLX on all supported DEX and implements further optimizations to get the best rate possible.
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